Sunday, December 26, 2010
Moving School from Bekasi to Jakarta.
Due to some reasons, I have to move my daughter which was originally the school in the district (kabupaten) in West Java to East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.
In this moving process, I witnessed the constraints experienced by the parents, so I feel the need to share experiences for constraints can be reduced as small as possible.
Things that less attention, which then could be a problem I will try to convey in detail, so as not to become obstacles in the next process.
In this moving process, I witnessed the constraints experienced by the parents, so I feel the need to share experiences for constraints can be reduced as small as possible.
Things that less attention, which then could be a problem I will try to convey in detail, so as not to become obstacles in the next process.
- 2. Moving Notice from the current School;
- 3. Recommendations to Moving School;
- 4. Letter from the District Education Office;
- 5. Validation.
1. Destination School or new school.
As parents we must ensure first that we choose a new school, a good note, the name and address of the school referred to, even better if we can get the written evidence in the form of a letter stating that our children will be accepted at the school.
2. Notice Letter.
Create a petition letter to the “Wali Kelas” with copies to the Principal of School and Own file, in addition to the class list, briefly describe a student register number, National Student Register Number. Write down the name and address of the destination schools. Copies or Copy letter from the destination school should be attached. Later the school will issue the Certificate of Move School.
3. Recommendations to Move School;
As parents we must ensure first that we choose a new school, a good note, the name and address of the school referred to, even better if we can get the written evidence in the form of a letter stating that our children will be accepted at the school.
2. Notice Letter.
Create a petition letter to the “Wali Kelas” with copies to the Principal of School and Own file, in addition to the class list, briefly describe a student register number, National Student Register Number. Write down the name and address of the destination schools. Copies or Copy letter from the destination school should be attached. Later the school will issue the Certificate of Move School.
3. Recommendations to Move School;
This letter was published by UPTD (Regional Technical Services Unit) PAUD (Early Childhood Education) / SD (Elementary School) located at District Level. Before we get must submit a Certificate of Move School, a copy of Student Data and attached a copy of last report and letter of the new or destination school.
4. Letter from the District Education Office.
Equipped with a recommendation of School Move letter from UPTD PAUD/SD we have to go to District Education Office; because my daughter at elementary school, then the destination is the Unit Pendidikan Dasar (Basic Education Unit). From here we will obtain an official letter from the Head of Department of Education current school, addressed to the Head of the Education Department of the destination school.
5. Validation.
Although the letter from Head of Department of Education already in hand, the process was not completed yet, the letter referred to must be accompanied by a Submission Receipt Student Movement, which is more popularly referred to as a letter of validation, because in the letter include the validation of the Alpha-numeric code that consists of 7 digits.
When the five steps are already done as mentioned above, insyaAllah you can be free from the constraints that arise.
Experience over a compendium of good experiences endured by the writer himself and a few other parents who experience obstacles. Because my daughter's school in the district of Bekasi (Lambangsari), then the location UPTD PAUD/SD located in Tambun (South Tambun district) while the Education Department's office locations in the Village Sukamahi, Cikarang District Centre. You can imagine if the need to pace only because the administrative requirements is still incomplete.
With the above explanation hopefully no more parents who have to pace to be able to get a Move School Notice letter from Head of District Education Office which is a requirement to be fulfilled by the (parents) of students will move schools.
Equipped with a recommendation of School Move letter from UPTD PAUD/SD we have to go to District Education Office; because my daughter at elementary school, then the destination is the Unit Pendidikan Dasar (Basic Education Unit). From here we will obtain an official letter from the Head of Department of Education current school, addressed to the Head of the Education Department of the destination school.
5. Validation.
Although the letter from Head of Department of Education already in hand, the process was not completed yet, the letter referred to must be accompanied by a Submission Receipt Student Movement, which is more popularly referred to as a letter of validation, because in the letter include the validation of the Alpha-numeric code that consists of 7 digits.
When the five steps are already done as mentioned above, insyaAllah you can be free from the constraints that arise.
Experience over a compendium of good experiences endured by the writer himself and a few other parents who experience obstacles. Because my daughter's school in the district of Bekasi (Lambangsari), then the location UPTD PAUD/SD located in Tambun (South Tambun district) while the Education Department's office locations in the Village Sukamahi, Cikarang District Centre. You can imagine if the need to pace only because the administrative requirements is still incomplete.
With the above explanation hopefully no more parents who have to pace to be able to get a Move School Notice letter from Head of District Education Office which is a requirement to be fulfilled by the (parents) of students will move schools.
The documents in the form letter from the Education Department and its validity, then copy the last report submitted to the principal of destination school. Usually reporting to the Head of the School of Education carried out by officers from the destination school. If do not the parents have to disclose themselves.
Do not forget there are pieces of documents that must be returned to the abandoned school, the sheet document signed by the destination school.
Do not forget there are pieces of documents that must be returned to the abandoned school, the sheet document signed by the destination school.
Indonesian Version.
Pindah sekolah dari Kabupaten Bekasi ke Jakarta.
Karena satu dan lain hal, saya harus memindahkan anak perempuan saya yang semula sekolah di wilayah kabupaten di Jawa Barat ke Jakarta Timur, wilayah DKI Jakarta.
Dalam proses pemindahan ini, saya menyaksikan sendiri kendala-kendala yang dialami oleh para orang-tua, sehingga saya merasa perlu membagi pengalaman agar kendala bisa dikurangi sekecil mungkin.
Hal-hal yang kurang diperhatikan, yang kemudian bisa menjadi masalah akan saya coba sampaikan secara rinci, agar tidak menjadi hambatan dalam proses pengurusan nantinya.
- Surat dari Sekolah Tujuan;
- Surat Pemberitahuan Pindah Sekolah;
- Rekomendasi Pindah Sekolah;
- Surat dari Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten;
- Validasi.
1. Sekolah Tujuan.
Sebagai orang-tua kita harus memastikan dulu sekolah baru yang kita pilih, catat baik-baik, nama dan alamat sekolah dimaksud, lebih baik lagi bila kita bisa mendapatkan bukti tertulis dalam bentuk surat yang menyatakan bahwa anak kita bisa diterima di sekolah dimaksud.
2.Surat Pemberitahuan
Buat surat permohonan pindah sekolah diajukan kepada Wali Kelas dengan Salinan kepada Kepala Sekolah dan Pertinggal, disamping mencantumkan kelas, cantumkan juga Nomor Induk Sekolah dan Nomor Induk Sekolah Nasional. Tuliskan juga nama dan alamat sekolah tujuan. Salinan atau Copy surat dari sekolah tujuan sebaiknya dilampirkan. Nanti pihak sekolah akan menerbitkan Surat Keterangan Pindah Sekolah.
3. Rekomendasi Pindah Sekolah;
Surat ini diterbitkan oleh UPTD PAUD/SD (Unit Pelayanan Teknis Daerah, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini/Sekolah Dasar) yang berada di Tingkat Kecamatan. Sebelum mendapatkannya kita harus menyerahkan Surat Keterangan Pindah Sekolah dilampirkan copy Data Siswa dan copy Raport terakhir serta Surat dari sekolah baru.
4. Surat dari Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten
Berbekal Surat Rekomendasi Pindah Sekolah yang diperoleh dari UPTD PAUD/SD kita berangkat menuju Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten; karena anak saya SD, maka yang dituju adalah Unit Pendidikan Dasar. Dari sini kita akan memperoleh surat resmi dari Kepala Dinas Pendidikan sekolah saat ini, yang ditujukan kepada Kepala Dinas Pendidikan tempat sekolah yang akan dituju..
5. Validasi.
Walaupun surat dari Kepala Dinas Pendidikan sudah ditangan, proses belum selesai, surat dimaksud harus disertai dengan Tanda Bukti Pengajuan Mutasi Siswa, yang lebih popular disebut sebagai surat Validasi, karena dalam surat tersebut mencantumkan Kode Validasi Alpha-numerik yang terdiri dari 7 digit.
Bila ke-lima langkah tersebut sudah dilakukan seperti tersebut di atas, insyaAllah Anda bisa terbebas dari kendala-kendala yang timbul.
Pengalaman di atas merupakan rangkuman pengalaman baik yang dialami oleh penulis sendiri dan beberapa orang-tua lain yang mengalami kendala. Karena sekolah anak saya di wilayah kabupaten Bekasi (Lambangsari) kemudian lokasi UPTD PAUD/SD berada di Tambun (Kecamatan Tambun Selatan) sementara lokasi kantor Dinas Pendidikan berada di Desa Sukamahi, Kecamatan Cikarang Pusat. Anda bisa membayangkan bila harus mondar-mandir hanya karena persyaratan administrative masih belum lengkap.
Dengan penjelasan di atas mudah-mudahan tidak ada lagi orang-tua yang harus mondar-mandir untuk bisa mendapatkan surat Keterangan Pindah Sekolah dari Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten yang merupakan syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh (orang-tua) siswa yang akan pindah sekolah.
Dokumen-dokumen berupa Surat dari Dinas Pendidikan beserta Validasinya, copy Raport terakhir selanjutnya diserahkan kepada Kepala Sekolah yang dituju. Biasanya pelaporan ke Kepala Dinas Pendidikan wilayah sekolah tujuan dilakukan oleh petugas dari pihak sekolah tujuan. Bila tidak orang tua harus menyampaikannya sendiri.
Jangan lupa ada lembar dokumen yang harus dikembalikan ke sekolah yang ditinggalkan, yaitu lembar dokumen yang ditandatangani oleh pihak sekolah tujuan.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Alert, Achtung...
Next Thursday (December 16, 2010), our national team squad will deal with the Philippine national team.
I just want to remind that thePhilippines today, not the same as the Philippines had a net is often used as a barn harvest goals opponents.
After making radical changes in preparing the national team, not half hearted with 8 players competing in the naturalization of experienced European leagues, the Philippines now be counted worthy team in Southeast Asia.
Therefore, do not regard lightly thePhilippines , but also do not play too tight, rhythm games like time against Laos may be considered.
Hopefully in a game that will come later passes we had much improvement, so the attacks will become more effective. Playing effectively will also save energy, so stamina throughout the game will be better.
I hope Octo Maniani willing to share the ball with his friends who have a position and better space shoot, football is a team game in which cooperation becomes the key word.
Vietnam as a team that will not give up so easily.
Indonesian Version:
I just want to remind that the
After making radical changes in preparing the national team, not half hearted with 8 players competing in the naturalization of experienced European leagues, the Philippines now be counted worthy team in Southeast Asia.
Therefore, do not regard lightly the
Hopefully in a game that will come later passes we had much improvement, so the attacks will become more effective. Playing effectively will also save energy, so stamina throughout the game will be better.
I hope Octo Maniani willing to share the ball with his friends who have a position and better space shoot, football is a team game in which cooperation becomes the key word.
Nasuha or Arif Suyono expected to remain would be a breaking line of opponent defense, I like the spirit of combat, the typical local football players who are not afraid of physical contact, unlike the European league players who "salon style".
El "loco" Gonzalez, Bepe or Irfan still expected to be a regulator of the pattern of an intelligent and effective attack, or help to defending when necessary.
In a match with the Philippines will hopefully Firman Utina and his friends are not too tense when facing teams like Thailand . Bepe has destroyed the myth that wrong all this time, Thailand as "a team that can not be defeated" made its knees pairs of eyes watched by millions of homeland football lovers .
With the support of fanatic homeland football fans, our national team is expected to remain solid, play relax, but with high spirits and determined to win and most importantly, follow the instructions already given by coach Alfred Riedl that specifically to watch the opponent play to peek at the pattern and strategy of the opponent.
If we can win this two games of semi-final, we should expect us to be better prepared to again face the team that we recognize Indonesian Version:
Waspadalah , waspadalah ….
Kamis depan (16 Desember 2010) squad Timnas kita akan berhadapan dengan Timnas Filipina.
Saya hanya ingin mengingatkan bahwa Filipina saat ini, tidak sama dengan Filipina dulu yang gawangnya sering dijadikan lumbung panen gol lawan-lawannya.
Setelah melakukan perubahan radikal dalam penyusunan Timnasnya, tidak tanggung-tanggung dengan 8 pemain naturalisasi yang berpengalaman berlaga di liga Eropa, sekarang Filipina menjadi tim yang layak diperhitungkan di Asia Tenggara.
Oleh sebab itu, jangan anggap enteng Filipina, tapi juga jangan bermain tegang, irama permainan seperti waktu melawan Laos mungkin bisa dipertimbangkan.
Mudah-mudahan dalam pertandingan yang akan datang nanti passing kita sudah ada perbaikan, sehingga serangan akan menjadi lebih efektif. Bermain efektif juga akan menghemat enerji sehingga stamina sepanjang permainan akan terjaga.
Saya berharap Okto mau berbagi bola dengan teman-teman yang punya posisi dan ruang tembak yang lebih baik, sepak-bola adalah permainan tim dimana kerjasama menjadi kata kuncinya.
Nasuha atau Arif Suyono diharapkan tetap akan menjadi pendobrak barisan pertahanan lawan, saya suka semangat tempurnya, typical pemain sepak-bola local yang tidak takut kontak fisik, tidak seperti pemain-pemain liga eropa yang “mriyayi”.
El ‘loco” Gonzales, Bepe atau Irfan tetap diharapkan bisa menjadi pengatur pola serangan yang cerdas dan efektif, atau membantu bertahan bilamana diperlukan.
Dalam pertandingan dengan Filipina nanti mudah-mudahan Firman Utina dan kawan-kawan tidak terlalu tegang seperti waktu menghadapi tim Thailand . Bepe telah menghancurkan mythos yang keliru selama ini, Thailand sebagai “tim yang tidak bisa dikalahkan” dibuat bertekuk lutut disaksikan oleh jutaan pasang mata pecinta sepakbola tanah air.
Dengan dukungan fanatic pendukung sepakbola tanah air, diharapkan timnas kita tetap solid bermain rilex, tetapi dengan semangat tinggi dan ngotot untuk menang dan yang terpenting mengikuti instruksi yang sudah diberikan pelatih Alfred Riedl yang secara khusus menonton lawan bertanding untuk mengintip pola dan strategi lawan.
Bila kita bisa memenangkan dua pertandingan semi final ini kita boleh berharap kita menjadi lebih siap lagi menghadapi tim Vietnam yang kita akui sebagai tim yang tidak akan menyerah begitu saja.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My Garuda - I proud of you !!!
Respect and admiration of our National team squad who are competing in the AFF Suzuki Cup-winning 3 games in a row exhausting.
Maybe I'm just one of the many millions of national football-loving that already feels thirsty of victory, after a long period of famine.
I had witnessed periods of Indonesia's golden era of Bang Is (Iswadi Idris, late) football, I called him like that because he is a cousin of my cousin. My cousin is a cousin of Bang Is from paternal line, while with me from the maternal line.
At that era, red-white team respected in South East Asia, even at the end of the period of his career Bang Is, and became coach in Australia.
In the euphoria that was going on lately, I'm just worried about the emergence of the excessive euphoria which would prejudice our own team, in the pseudo-victory that will eventually hurt us at the end.
My attitude is critical, had invited the "anger" of a cousin who was in her face book account threatened to pinch me on the first occasion when she met me.
I was just reminded that there is still much space for improvement in red-white team if you want to restore the glory.
Without diminishing my respect to all players, coaches and officials PSSI, there are basic things that still need to be addressed, for example:
• Passing is still weak, more than 50% are not on target, unlike the beautiful Malaysian team with long passing balls, the also Thailand team;
- Team Work not solid yet, particularly the case when Okto had the ball, he always wanted to master and perform a direct kick to the opposing goal, but if he wants to share it is possible the results would be different: he vigorously but probably still too young, not much experience, still have much to learn. Unlike the senior players with rich experience of Thailand, who scored a beautiful goal into the wicket of Markus from a difficult position, but still yielded a goal with a kick of his style of Kick-Boxer, only players with talent and high flying hours that can do it.
• Champion Mentally has not appeared, in a game with a team-white elephant we only got to "play" first 8 minutes only. "Lose-Mental" because of the specter of our "always-lose"? Or are there other causes? What is clear we are much dictated the match.
• Fighting Spirit must continue to be forged, the spirit insisted only appear on 2 the first game, I honestly feel amazed at the time. Unfortunately the persistent it does not seem to play against a team time-and-white elephant. What is clear Irfan Baldim made powerless, he died in a fight like this style. Instead I applaud the local player Arif Suyono, who with his persistency, breaking Thai defense that allows the emergence of two "penalty-gift."
In spite of these shortcomings, I remain proud of and hopefully the players and coaches soon realized this shortcoming because I see 4 items had been owned by Vietnam Team, which is when its time of bang Is, the Vietnam football team is still not nothing.
Mas Bepe, Maman, Markus you have saved the team from defeat and exit from the "curse of never winning opponent Thai"; Aris we are proud to have persistent players like you.Octo-don't dare your own fun, learn to share; Irfan enjoy your game, this is Asia soccer-ball style, is different from European- salon style, El "Loco" Gonzalez and other friends on your shoulder lies hope you all Indonesian football lovers.
Stay glory my garuda.
Indonesian Version:
Hormat dan kagum pada kesebelasan Tim Nasional kita yang sedang berlaga di piala Suzuki-AFF yang telah memenangi 3 pertandingan melelahkan secara berturut-turut.
Mungkin saya cuma salah satu dari sekian juta pencinta sepakbola tanah air yang sudah merasa haus kemenangan, setelah mengalami masa paceklik yang panjang.
Saya sempat menyaksikan masa-masa keemasan sepakbola Indonesia di jamannya bang Is (Iswadi Idris, Alm), saya memanggilnya seperti itu karena dia adalah sepupu dari sepupu saya. Sepupu saya ini adalah sepupu bang Is dari pihak ayah, sementara dengan saya dari garis ibu.
Rasanya jaman itu tim merah-putih kita disegani di Asia Tenggara, malahan pada ujung masa karirnya bang Is sempat menjadi pelatih di Australia.
Dalam euphoria yang sedang terjadi akhir-akhir ini, saya hanya mengkhawatirkan timbulnya euphoria yang berlebihan yang justru akan merugikan tim kita sendiri, larut dalam kemenangan-semu yang pada akhirnya akan merugikan kita.
Sikap saya yang kritis ini, sempat mengundang “kemarahan” seorang sepupu yang dalam account facebooknya mengancam akan mencubit saya pada kesempatan pertama kalau dia bertemu saya.
Saya cuma mengingatkan, bahwa masih banyak space for improvement pada tim-merah putih kalau ingin mengembalikan kejayaannya.
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat saya kepada seluruh pemain, pelatih dan para petinggi PSSI, ada hal-hal dasar yang masih perlu dibenahi, misalnya:
- Passing kita masih lemah, lebih dari 50% tidak tepat sasaran; berbeda dengan tim Malaysia yang cantik dengan bola-bola panjangnya, juga tim Thailand;
- Team Work belum padu, terutama terjadi bila Okto menguasai bola; dia selalu ingin menguasai dan melakukan tendangan langsung ke gawang lawan, padahal kalau dia mau berbagi ada kemungkinan hasilnya akan berbeda; dia penuh semangat tapi mungkin masih terlalu muda, belum banyak pengalaman, masih harus banyak belajar. Berbeda dengan pemain senior Thailand yang kaya pengalaman, goal indah yang dilesakkan ke gawang Markus dari posisi yang sulit, tapi tetap membuahkan goal dengan tendangan ala Kick-Boxer nya, hanya pemain dengan talenta dan jam terbang tinggi yang bisa melakukannya.
- Mental Juara belum nampak,dalam pertandingan dengan tim gajah-putih kita hanya sempat “main” 8 menit pertama saja. “Kalah-Mental” karena momok kita “selalu-kalah” ? atau ada sebab-sebab lain? Yang jelas kita banyak didikte dalam pertandingan tersebut.
- Fighting Spirit harus terus ditempa, semangat ngotot hanya tampak pada 2 pertandingan pertama; saya jujur merasa kagum waktu itu. Sayang ke-ngototan itu tidak tampak pada waktu bertanding melawan tim gajah-putih. Yang jelas Irfan Baldim dibuat tidak berdaya, dia mati gaya dalam laga seperti ini. Justru saya salut pada pemain lokal Arif Suyono, yang dengan kebandelannya dia mengobrak-ngabrik pertahanan Thailand yang memungkinkan timbulnya dua “hadiah penalty”.
Terlepas dari kekurangan-kekurangan tersebut, saya tetap bangga dan mudah-mudahan pemain serta pelatih segera menyadari kekurangan ini karena saya melihat 4 butir tadi sudah dimiliki oleh Tim Vietnam, yang ketika jamannya bang Is, kesebelasan Vietnam masih belum apa-apa.
Mas Bepe, Maman, Markus Anda telah menyelamatkan tim dari kekalahan dan keluar dari “kutukan tidak pernah menang lawan Thailand”; Aris kami bangga punya pemain bernyali seperti Anda.Octo-jangan asyik sendiri, belajarlah berbagi; Irfan enjoy your game inilah sepak-bola Asia berbeda dengan gaya salon Eropa; El “Loco” Gonzales dan teman-teman lainnya dipundak Anda semua terletak harapan pecinta sepakbola Indonesia.
Tetap jaya garudaku.
The Hero from Singaparna - KH Zainal Mustofa.
K.H. Zainal Mustofa.
National Hero from Singaparna.
K.H. Zainal Mustofa.
Pahlawan Nasional dari Singaparna.
Born with a nickname as Hudaemi or called as Umri, in a small villageCikembang in “kawedanaan” (territory under the district) Singaparna, Tasikmalaya chronicle in the year AD 1907.
Since the age of 10 years, Hudaemi has seen interest to explore the religious sciences of Islam. In addition to studying at public schools, young Umri also “nyantri “ to several people that qualified religious scholars of his day. At school he was among the students who stand out. At age 12, he had memorized the Quran and science Nahwu-Sharaf.
After graduating from public schools (or elementary school), Umri continue his education to some of the leading “pesantren” (traditional Islamic boarding school) of that era such as in boarding-school Gunungpari, Cilenga, Sukaraja, Sukamiskin and Jamanis.
At the age of 20 years (1927 AD), a young Umri founded the boarding school in Kampung Pondok Pesantren Cikembang by Name Sukamanah (village name is changed according to the name of the boarding school which he founded) on the land endowments and grants for homes, mosques and life provision of a philanthropist widow the late waAlmagfur laha Hj. Siti Juariah.
Upon their return pilgrimage to Mecca, Hudaemi or Umri changed his name as H. Zainal Mustofa, a custom prevailing at that time.
Provided with the Elementary School diploma and sciences which he achieved from some pesantrens for 17 years with his cousin KH. Zainal Muhsin Rahimahullah (Founder of Sukahideung School in 1922 AD by wakaf land and generous grants from a same widow), he leads this boarding school for approximately 17 years. With a diligent, sincere and full of spirit he educate and teach the santri. At that time the number of students who boarded in 6 dormitory about 600 people and unboarded more numerous. Within a dozen years he managed to score the santri clever and charity, independent and able to disseminate knowledge that has been held in various places and their hometown.
Because of religious lectures that do are considered to attack the colonial government policies of that era, with charges of spreading hostility among the people in government who are in power, the Dutch captured and imprisoned in Sukamiskin jail are then transferred to a prison in Ciamis.
During the Japanese occupation, peace and tranquility of this Sukamanah boarding school to be disturbed by the challenge and the pride of the Japanese invaders that require residents every morning bowed towards the sun rises to honor the Ra Sun God which of course this is contrary to the aqidah he believed. KH Zainal Mustofa oppose these command openly.
Of course this attitude of defiance, make the Japanese government's wrath and sent a messenger to pick up KH Zainal Mustofa.
But the "messenger" who was assigned to pick up him, "finished off" by the young men who were loyal to him, which of course then angered the Japanese.
Sukamanah besieged from all directions, involving no fewer than 11 companies, equivalent to a fully armed regiment. This does not make the santris are loyal to him to be fearless, but instead evoke the spirit of Jihad and courage so that KH. Zainal Mustofa and his santris fight with all the ability and strength at that time, only with bamboo swords and sharpened bamboo spears that with full confidence and reliance on Allah the Almighty, there was fierce fighting on 1 Rabi’ul Awal 1363 H / 25 February 1944 M after Friday’s Pray. Killed on the battlefield of the martyrs of Sukamanah as many as 86 people.
Due to the power imbalance, this bloody battle only lasts about 2 hours. As for KH. Zainal Mustofa along with some of his followers were also arrested that day and it is unknown where and where they are located.
Praise to Allah and His grace, thanks to his students (of the late KH Zainal Mustofa) named Colonel Drs. H. Syarif Hidayatullah, KH. A. Muhsin Wahab, KH. Muh. Fuad Muhsin, KH. Muh. Syihabuddin Muhsin (Rahimahumullah), H. Utang Affandy and other prominent figures to do the search for a long time, and it was found that under Dutch Ereveld Office documents in Ancol Jakarta, it found out he and his colleagues at first imprisoned in Tasikmalaya, then moved to Cipinang prison in Jakarta. He and his loyal 17 people followers executed and died as martyrs on October 25, 1944 somewhere in North Jakarta coast.
Then on August 25, 1973 mortal remains and 17 people his loyal followers are on the move to the Heroes Cemetery Sukamanah.
KH Zainal Mustofa was awarded the title of National Hero through Presidential Decree No. 064/TK 1972 November 20, 1972.
He is listed as one of the national hero whom fought against the tyranny of occupation derived from the pesantren.
wakaf = property donated for religious or community use
santri = student at traditional Muslim boarding school.
santri = student at traditional Muslim boarding school.
pesantren = typical Muslim boarding school.
Kabupaten = district, part of province
Kabupaten = district, part of province
Indonesian Version:
Terlahir dengan nama kecil Hudaemi dan nama panggilan sehari-hari Umri, di sebuah desa kecil Cikembang di kawedanaan Singaparna, Tasikmalaya pada tahun tarikh Masehi 1907.
Sejak berusia 10 tahun sudah terlihat minat Hudaemi untuk mendalami ilmu-ilmu agama Islam. Selain menimba ilmu di sekolah umum, Umri kecil juga nyantri kepada beberapa orang kyai yang mumpuni pada jamannya. Di sekolahnya dia termasuk murid yang menonjol. Pada usia 12 tahun, dia sudah hafal Al-Qur’an serta ilmu nahwu-sharaf.
Setelah lulus sekolah rakyat, Umri melanjutkan pendidikannya ke beberapa pesantren terkemuka pada jaman itu diantaranya di pesantren Gunungpari, Cilenga, Sukaraja, Sukamiskin dan Jamanis.
Pada usia 20 tahun (1927 M), Umri muda mendirikan Pondok Pesantren di Kampung Cikembang dengan Nama Pondok Pesantren Sukamanah (nama kampung tersebut berubah sesuai dengan nama Pesantren yang beliau dirikan) di atas tanah wakaf dan hibah untuk rumah, mesjid dan bekal hidup dari seorang janda dermawan Almarhumah waAlmagfur laha Hj. Siti Juariah.
Sepulangnya menunaikan ibadah haji, Hudaemi atau Umri mengganti namanya sebagai H. Zainal Mustofa, suatu kebiasaan yang berlaku pada masa itu
Dengan berbekal Ijazah Sekolah Rakyat dan ilmu-ilmu yang diraihnya dari beberapa Pesantren selama 17 tahun bersama kakak misannya KH. Zainal Muhsin Rohimahulloh (Pendiri Pesantren Sukahideung tahun 1922 M dengan tanah wakap dan hibah dari seorang janda dermawan yang sama), beliau memimpin Pesantren ini selama kurang lebih 17 tahun. Dengan tekun, tulus dan penuh semangat beliau mendidik dan mengajar para santrinya. Saat itu jumlah santri yang diasramakan dalam 6 asrama sekitar 600 orang dan yang tidak diasramakan jumlahnya lebih banyak. Dalam tempo belasan tahun tersebut beliau berhasil mencetak para santrinya berilmu dan beramal, mandiri dan sanggup menyebarluaskan ilmu yang telah dimilikinya di berbagai tempat dan kampung halamannya.
Karena dalam ceramah-ceramah keagamaan yang dilakukannya dianggap menyerang kebijakan pemerintah kolonial pada jaman itu, dengan tuduhan telah menyebarkan sikap bermusuhan di kalangan masyarakat pada pemerintah yang sedang berkuasa maka Belanda menangkap dan memenjarakannya di penjara Sukamiskin yang kemudian memindahkannya ke penjara di Ciamis.
Selama pendudukan Jepang, ketenangan dan ketentraman Pesantren Sukamanah ini menjadi terganggu dengan tantangan dan kecongkakan Penjajah Jepang yang mengharuskan penduduk setiap pagi membungkuk kearah matahari terbit untuk menghormati Ra Dewa Matahari yang tentu saja hal ini sangat bertentangan dengan aqidah yang diyakininya. KH Zainal Mustofa menentang perintah tersebut secara terang-terangan.
Tentu saja sikap pembangkangan ini membuat pemerintah Jepang murka dan mengirim utusan untuk menjemput KH Zainal Mustofa.
Tetapi “utusan” yang ditugaskan untuk menjemput ini, “dihabisi” oleh pemuda-pemuda yang setia kepadanya, yang tentu saja kemudian mengundang kemarahan pihak Jepang.
Sukamanah dikepung dari berbagai arah, melibatkan tidak kurang dari 11 kompi, setara dengan 1 resimen bersenjata lengkap. Hal ini tidak membuat para santri yang setia padanya menjadi gentar, tetapi malahan membangkitkan semangat Jihad dan keberanian sehingga KH. Zainal Mustofa beserta para Santrinya melawan dengan segala kemampuan dan kekuatan yang dimilikinya saat itu; hanya dengan pedang bambu dan bambu runcing yang ditajamkan dengan keyakinan dan ketergantungan penuh kepada Alloh Yang Maha Kuasa terjadilah pertempuran sengit pada tanggal 1 Rabi’ul Awal 1363 H /25 Pebruari 1944 M ba’da jumat.Gugur di medan tempur dari pihak Sukamanah sebagai Syuhada sebanyak 86 orang.
Karena kekuatan yang tidak seimbang, pertempuran berdarah ini hanya bisa bertahan sekitar 2 jam saja. Adapun KH. Zainal Mustofa beserta sebagian pengikutnya pada hari itu juga ditangkap dan tidak diketahui ke mana dan di mana mereka berada.
Alhamdulillah berkat Rahmat Allah dan KaruniaNya santri-santri Almarhum bernama Kolonel Drs. H. Syarif Hidayatullah, KH. A. Wahab Muhsin, KH. Muh. Fuad Muhsin, KH. Muh. Syihabuddin Muhsin (Rahimahumullah), H. Utang Affandy dan tokoh tokoh lainnya melakukan upaya pencarian dalam waktu yang lama, dan akhirnya diketahui berdasarkan dokumen Kantor Ereveld Belanda di Ancol Jakarta, ternyata beliau dan rekan-rekannya pada mulanya dipenjarakan di Tasikmalaya, lalu dipindahkan ke penjara Cipinang-Jakarta. Beliau dan 17 orang pengikut setianya dieksekusi dan gugur sebagai syuhada pada tanggal 25 Oktober 1944 disuatu tempat di pantai Utara Jakarta.
Kemudian pada tanggal 25 Agustus 1973 jenazah beliau dan 17 orang pengikut setianya tersebut di pindahkan ke Taman Makam Pahlawan Sukamanah.
KH Zainal Mustofa dianugerahi predikat Pahlawan Nasional memlalui SK Presiden R.I No. 064/TK tahun 1972 tanggal 20 Nopember 1972.
Beliau tercatat sebagai salah satu pahlawan nasional yang berjuang melawan tirani penjajahan yang berasal dari lingkungan pondok pesantren.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Big Family of Ama Ocid
According to our reference that Rd. Abdul Rosjid (1905 - 1980) is one of grandsons of Rd. Abdussalam (1830) or one of son of Rd. Ahmad Djibdjapura (1885).
According to our reference that Rd. Abdul Rosjid (1905 - 1980) is one of grandsons of Rd. Abdussalam (1830) or one of son of Rd. Ahmad Djibdjapura (1885).
The Family Tree
(took from man-side, start from Dalem Aria Wangsagoparana)
Dalem Aria Wangsagoparana
Dalem Aria Judanegara
Nyi Mas Ayu Purbawati
Raden Rangga Judasasana
Nyi Mas Arti Arsakusumah
Raden Sumadinata (1725)
Raden Sumadipradja (1770)
Nyi Mas Gandawari
Raden Djibdjadipura (1802)
Nyi Mas Atjah
Raden Abdussalam (1830)
Nyi Mas Djusiah
Raden Ahmad Djibjapura (1885)
Ratu Halimah
Abdul Rosjid (1905-1980)
Siti Rubiah (1913-2000)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Kel.Besar Abdussalam
H. Abdullah Dahlan
Gg. Masjid Uswatun Hasanah No.77
RT 07/RW 02 Subang
Telp. 0260-421486
Kavling Marinir Blok AA No. 4
Pondok Kelapa
Jakarta Timur
Telp. 021-8654671
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
H. Abdullah Dahlan
Gg. Masjid Uswatun Hasanah No.77
RT 07/RW 02 Subang
Telp. 0260-421486
Kavling Marinir Blok AA No. 4
Pondok Kelapa
Jakarta Timur
Telp. 021-8654671
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
About Metro Lampung City
Metro City is one city in Lampung province, is 45 km from the city of Bandar Lampung (capital of Lampung Province).
Based on the characteristics of topography, the City of Metro area is relatively flat with a slope <6 °, the texture of clay soil and clay dust, granular structure and the type of red-yellow podzolic soil and a little sandy. While geologically, Metro City area is dominated by sedimentary rocks of volcanic type QW.
Metro City area in the South Equatorial Lines generally humid tropical climate with an average wind speed of 70 km / day. Altitude region ranging from 25-60 m above sea level (asl), air temperature between 26 ° C 29 ° C, humidity 80% -88% and average rainfall per year 2264 up to 2868 mm.
Livelihood of the population of Metro City in 2005 generaly in the service sector (28.56%), trade (28.18), agriculture (23.97%), transport and communication (9.84%) and construction (5, 63%).
History of Metro beginning from Dutch period.
Metro City area are now at the time of the reign of the Netherlands is Onder Sukadana District in 1937 entered Marga Nuban.
Onder each district is lead by an assistant of Demang, while the District is lead by a Demang. While the superior of the District is Onder Afdeling that lead by a Dutch Controleur.
The task of the assistant Demang is coordinating Marga that lead by pesirah and in the execution of their duties aided by a Pembarap (vice of pesirah), a clerk and a messenger (Opas). Pesirah in addition serves as head of the clan as well as Chairman of the Board of Marga. Pesirah Penyimbang chosen by a group of-penyimbang village in each his own marga.
Clan or marga consists of several villages which is lead by the Head of Village and is assisted by several Kepala Suku. The Chief of the tribe or Kepala Suku appointed among his own tribe in the village.
The village leader is selected by a group of penyimbangs in the village. At that time the village head must penyimbang village, if not penyimbang village cannot be appointed and the lead of the village are members of the clan.
Japan times.
In the Japanese era Residente Lampoengsche Districten renamed by the Japanese into Lampung Syu. Syu Lampung is divided into 3 (three) Ken, namely:
- Teluk Betung Ken
- Metro Ken
- Kotabumi Ken
Metro City area now, at that time including Metro ken into its Gun, Son, clans and villages. Ken lead by Kenco, the Gun lead by Gunco, Son lead by Sonco, the Clan lead by a Margaco, while the village is headed by the Kepala Kampung or the village head.
At the Age of Indonesia Merdeka.
After Indonesia's independence and the enactment of article 2 of the Transitional Regulations 1945, Metro Ken became the District of Central Lampung including City Metro therein. Based on the Decree of Lampung resident. No.153 / D/1952 dated 3 September 1952 which was updated on July 20, 1956 stipulated:
- Eliminating local clans in the Residency Lampung;
- Establish regional units in Lampung Keresidenen with the name "Country" as much as 36 states;
- Property rights belong to the clan who abolished the country concerned.
With the removal of Marga state, the Government will be formed at the same time as the State Government. State government consists of a Head of State and Council of State, Head of State elected by the members of the Council of State and Heads of Villages. Metro State with the central government in the Metro (the Metro District).
In practice, the perceived lack of harmony between the government, this state complicate the implementation task and therefore the Governor of Lampung in 1972 made a policy decision for Government Affairs gradually removed, while the rights and obligations of the State Government transferred to the local district.
At the time of the Dutch Government Metro City is still a wilderness that is part of the territory Marga Nuban, who then opened by the colonization in 1936. In 1937 officially submitted by Marga Nuban and once inaugurated as Center Government of Onder District (district level).
At the time of Japanese rule onder district still recognized by the name of Sonco (caniat). At the time of execution of colonization in addition to the Metro is also formed district of Pekalongan onder, Batanghari, Sekampung and Trimurjo.
Onder Fifth District gets technical irrigation plan sourced from Way Sekampung that execution carried out by the colonizations that has been living in the cabin-beds (Bedeng) starting from first place Bedeng in Trimurjo and 62th Bedeng in Sekampung, which later was named, for example Bedeng21, Yosodadi.
At the time of Japan's technical irrigation still continue because at the time the Dutch government has not been resolved.
And in the days of independence are still technical irrigation continued in accordance with the technical development is planned to present.
The actual name of the Metro City from the Java language "Mitro", which means friend (a gathering place for friendly people or make friends).
And according to the Dutch language "Meterm" which means the center (centrum) thus defined as a place that is strategically placed Mitro which means friend, it is against a background of colonization that came from various areas outside the region of Sumatra. At the time of independence a Metro City remains Metro. With the enactment of Article 2 of Regulation Transition Act of 1945, the Metro into districts lead by a regent in 1945, which at that time held the first Regent is Burhanuddin (1945-1948).
On the basis of Government Regulation no. 34 of 1986 dated August 14, 1986 Administrative City Metro was formed consisting of Kecamatan Metro Raya and Bantul that was inaugurated on September 9, 1987 by the Minister of the Internal Affairs.
Which in its development across five villages in the south of Way Sekampung or Wav Sekampung formed into one district, ie sub Metro Kibang and inserted into the additional area of Central Lampung Regent Sukadana region (now the entrance into the East Lampung regency). And in the same year formed the Regent Helper 2 areas namely Sukadana and Mount Sugih.
With the conditions and potentials, large enough and supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities, City of Metro grew rapidly as a center for commerce, education, culture and also the seat of government, then Naturally with the existing conditions and potential of the City of Metro upgraded to Municipality of Metro.
Hope to obtain regional autonomy occurred in 1999, with the formation of Metro City as an autonomous region under Law No. 12 of 1999 which was enacted April 20, 1999 and inaugurated on April 27, 1999 in Jakarta, together with the City of Dumai (Riau), City Cilegon, Kota Depok (West Java), Banjarbaru City (South Kalimantan) and Ternate (North Maluku).
Then based on the Law of Town Metro No. 25 of 2000 on Village Expansion and Districts in Metro, Metro City administrative region growth into 5 Districts covering 22 villages.
Trip to Metro Lampung
On Friday, 3rd week in November is our opportunity to visit the city of Metro Lampung. The following trip report we submit to you all.
We departed from Bekasi after Friday prayers, using the Jakarta-Merak toll route through Slipi, Kebon Jeruk, Karang Tengah, that day the toll lane in heavy stuck and just after Karang Tengah the traffic start to smooth flow , we passing this distance is almost 2 hours.
Next, beginning from Karang Tengah, the smooth traffic flow relatively; but before Ciujung-Kragilan the road began to feel uncomfortable, but the effort is being continued improvement. The rest-area at this point is still minimal and not as good as Cipularang highway.
Up in Merak our vehicles have to cross using the Ferry. Luckily the queue is long, but can still be controlled with the order even though one or two vehicles tried to precede each other, bad habits passed-over our nation.
The crossing's cost is IDR 198,000; for vehicles included the passengers, regardless of the number of passengers; some reason the numbers are not rounded.
Loads of cargo was filled with private vehicles, passenger vehicles, buses and trucks.
For passengers who feel bored sitting in the car, seating is provided, there are paid and not paid bases. It is said that prices vary depending on each Ferry’s operator and also the facilities provided.
Ferry that we use in the paid class is still bit pretty, the seat foam is still remains, in the class does not pay the type chair made of reinforced fiber-glass.
There is a television in side, which the pictures at any time can be lost with a modest explanation. The waves are not too large, but the Sunda Strait’s wind blew strong enough at the top deck , and were not comfortable for they are not used.
Maghrib pray we do onboard, there Qiblat directions for each position of the ship, a little confusing for those who are not familiar.
Arriving at Bakauheni, the weather was quite friendly, proceed on the ground of the island of Sumatra. The road is wide and smooth enough. Some km after Bakauheni large vehicles in the traffic lane pointed to the East because the West is no way that traffic is down for maintenance due to landslides, only small vehicles are allowed through this route.
Up in the City of Bandar Lampung, the traffic is quite noisy, especially in downtown. We had dinner near the campus Unila. Food prices can be spelled the same as Bekasi, but a large portion of almost 3 times.
The journey continues, leading to the North through the night. The road remains smooth. There asphalt overlay near Branti airfield , road wide enough and good.
The journey continues, leading to the North through the night. The road remains smooth. There asphalt overlay near Branti airfield , road wide enough and good.
Metro City is clean, quiet at night was not busy as Bandar Lampung. The shops were closed when we crossed it. The only one-two vehicles passed by us, the rest is quiet and dark because of rice field nor lading is on the left and right of us.
After passing through the smooth asphalt roads, we start reaching the road that has been amplified but his condition was perforated here and there so we had to reduce speed if not wanted bouncing.
Indeed we must take this path because of the location we are heading a small village that has not shown on the map of Google, a small village near Punggur transmigration, which is named Srisawahan. We arrived at the location exactly at 00:00 midnight.
Indonesian Version:
Berikut ini laporan perjalanannya kami sampaikan untuk Anda semua.
Kami berangkat dari Bekasi bakda shalat Jum’at, menggunakan jalur toll Jakarta-Merak melalui Slipi, Kebon Jeruk, Karang Tengah; ternyata hari itu jalur toll macet berat dan baru lancer selepas Karang Tengah, kami tempuh jarak ini hampir 2 jam.
Selanjutnya mulai dari Karang Tengah, traffic relatif lancar_tetapi jalan toll mulai terasa tidak nyaman menjelang Ciujung-Kragilan, tetapi usaha perbaikan nampaknya sedang terus diusahakan. Tempat rehat di jalur ini masih minim tidak sebanyak dan sebagus jalur Cipularang.
Sampai di Merak kendaraan kami harus menyeberang menggunakan Ferry. Beruntung meskipun natrian cukup panjang, tetapi masih bisa dikendalikan dengan tertib walaupun satu-dua kendaraan berusaha saling mendahului, kebiasaan buruk berlalu-lintas bangsa kita.
Biaya penyeberangan ini IDR 198.000; untuk kendaraan dan penumpang, berapapun jumlah penumpangnya; entah kenapa angkanya tidak bulat.
Muatan kargo ternyata dipenuhi kendaraan pribadi, kendaraan penumpang, bus dan truck.
Untuk penumpang yang merasa bosan duduk-duduk dalam mobil, disediakan tempat duduk, ada yang berbayar dan tidak berbayar. Konon harganya berbeda-beda tergantung pada masing-masing operator Ferry dan juga pada fasilitas yang disediakan.
Ferry yang kami gunakan waktu berangkat di kelas berbayar masih lumayan kursi busanya masih banyak yang utuh, di kelas tidak berbayar jenis kursinya terbuat dari reinforced fiber-glass. Tersedia televisi yang gambarnya sewaktu-waktu bisa hilang dengan penjelasan sekedarnya.
Ombak tidak terlalu besar, tetapi angin di Selat Sunda cukup kuat berhembus dan tidak nyaman ber lama-lama di atas deck bagi mereka yang tidak terbiasa.
Shalat Maghrib kami lakukan di atas Ferry, ada petunjuk arah Kiblat untuk setiap posisi kapal, sedikit membingungkan bagi mereka yang belum terbiasa.
Sesampainya di Bakauheni, cuaca cukup bersahabat, perjalanan dilanjutkan di atas tanah pulau Sumatera.
Jalanan cukup mulus dan lebar. Beberapa KM selepas Bakauheni kendaraan besar di arahkan ke jalur lintas Timur karena di lintas Barat ada jalan yang sedang dalam perbaikan karena longsor, hanya kendaraan kecil saja yang diperbolehkan lewat jalur ini.
Sampai di Kota Bandar Lampung, traffic cukup ramai terutama di pusat kota. Kami makan malam di dekat Kampus Unila. Harga makanan bisa dibilang sama dengan Bekasi, tetapi besar porsinya hampir 3 kalinya.
Perjalanan masih terus berlanjut, menembus malam mengarah ke Utara. Jalan tetap mulus. Ada pelapisan ulang aspal menjelang lapangan terbang Branti, jalannya cukup lebar dan bagus.
Kota Metro cukup bersih, tenang di waktu malam tidak seramai Bandar Lampung. Toko-toko sudah tutup waktu kami melintasinya. Satu dua kendaraan berpapasan dengan kami, selebihnya adalah sepi dan gelap karena sawah dan atau lading berada di sisi kiri dan kanan kami.
Setelah melewati jalan-jalan aspal mulus, kami mulai merambah jalan yang sudah diperkeras tapi kondisinya sudah berlubang di sana-sini sehingga kami harus mengurangi kecepatan bila tidak ingin terpental-pental.
Memang kami harus menempuh jalur ini karena lokasi yang kami tuju sebuah dusun yang belum tertera dipeta Google, sebuah dusun transmigrasi dekat Punggur, yang bernama Srisawahan. Kami tiba di lokasi persis tengah malam jam 00:00.
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