As like before been expressed in first part of this post, we return to God, in terms of not to Heaven nor to Hell, but to God first. Journey of the dead man must return to God first, God will decide to heaven or Hell as his charity during his life.
So consider this one proposition:
“ Raditu Billahi Rabba Wabilislami Diina Wabi Muhammadin Nabiyya Wa Rasula …”.
So in life we should look for a sincerity of God tht has a merciful compassion. When seeking of God many people do not find it, moreover pleasure-seeking sincerity that are not clear. Found only ma'rifat Sciences, namely the Essence, nature, asma and Af'al only.
It seems necessary to explain again to better understanding, we told back that tells about the mysteriousness of Nature. But that does not show where the natural form of magic thinking.
The natural Invisibility Qadeem namely:
- The natural Ahadiat (Essence) is the Essence Laesa Kamislihi Syae-un
- The natural Wahdiat (Nature) is the Essence or Johar Nur al-Awwal
- The natural Wahidiyat (Asma) is the Nur Muhammad (Four Light)
- The natural Spirits, a real natural / proofen (Af'al) God, the universe is built from fire, wind, water and soil. Why is natural because of the ingredients of Spirit, material of Blood , Adam Majaji materials or human remains would have seeds;
- The natural of Ajsam the evidence is "bodies-Man". Our bodies come from nature Spirits. As sharia must have felt, if we do not eat, must have been weak. The food was derived from essence of fire, water core, essence of wind, of soil and fruits, tubers.
The point of of fire, become meat, become lust anger, discharge from ear.
The point of the wind become the marrow, become lust laomah, discharge from the eye.
The point of of soil become desires sawiyah bone discharge from the mouth.
The point of of water become the skin, lust mutmainah discharge from the nose.
The point of the wind become the marrow, become lust laomah, discharge from the eye.
The point of of soil become desires sawiyah bone discharge from the mouth.
The point of of water become the skin, lust mutmainah discharge from the nose.
The character's of these desires are positive some are negative, as when control how we live. When we die, passions went back to nature spirits to follow the spirit of life that must return to God. Do not know the way home they affect people who are still alive, they still want to go back to the natural world.
When settled to humans, as is often reported, there is a class of school children a trance (congregation); instead there that come to be satan or evil spirits.
The spirit in his day as thug or bully, entered into the Keris, Batara Karang, entered the Magic ring, in fact they could not return to God because it does not know the way home.
So the conclusion from the ' suffi's doctor' diagnosed, he does not recommend to be given a sedative but rather to encourage families to create Islamic atmosphere surrounding the patient with more intensive running rituals, especially that five time prayers in congregation with the patient, to study the Qur'an and the lead two Syahadat sentences and thayibah sentences in the ear of the patient regularly and continuously guide the patient to find his a way home.
Wallahu'alam bissawab ....
Indonesian says:
Seperti tadi telah diutarakan pada bagian pertama tulisan ini, kita kembali kepada Allah, dalam arti bukan ke Syurga bukan pula ke Neraka, tetapi ke Allah terlebih dahulu. Perjalanan manusia sampai kepada mati itu harus kembali dahulu ke Allah, nanti Allah yang menentukan ke Syurga atau Neraka sebagaimana amalnya.
Makanya simak dalil yang satu ini:
“ Raditu Billahi Rabba Wabilislami Diina Wabi Muhammadin Nabiyya Wa Rasula …”.
Jadi dalam hidup itu kita harus mencari Ridha Allah yang memiliki sifat Rahman dan Rahim. Waktu mencari Allah banyak yang tidak menemukannya, apalagi yang mencari Ridha-ridha yang tidak jelas. Yang ditemukan hanya Ilmu Ma’rifat, yaitu dzat, sifat, asma dan Af’alnya saja.
Sepertinya perlu dijelaskan kembali agar lebih faham, kita ceriterakan kembali soal Alam yang menceritakan Kegaiban. Tapi bukan menunjukkan tempat berupa alam pemikiran kegaiban.
Alam Gaib Qadim yaitu:
- Alam Ahadiat (Dzat) yaitu Dzat Laesa Kamislihi Syae-un
- Alam Wahdiat (Sifat) yaitu Nur Dzat atau Johar Awwa
- Alam Wahidiyat (Asma) yaitu Nur Muhammad (Sinar yang Empat)
- Alam Arwah, berupa alam nyata/bukti (Af’al) Allah, yaitu alam semesta yang dibangun dari api, angin, air dan tanah. Kenapa disebut alam Arwah karena bakal Ruh, bakal Darah bakal Adam Majaji atau bakal bibit jasad manusia;
- Alam Ajsam yaitu buktinya “Jasad-Manusia”. Jasad kita berasal dari alam Arwah. Syariatnya pasti terasa, seandainya kita tak makan, pasti terasa lemah. Makanan itu yang berasal dari intinya api, intinya air, intinya angin, tanah dan buah-buahan, umbi-umbian.
Intinya api, jadi daging, jadi nafsu amarah, keluarnya dari kuping.
Intinya angin jadi sumsum, jadi nafsu laomah, keluarnya dari mata.
Intinya tanah jadi tulang nafsunya sawiyah keluarnya dari mulut.
Intinya air jadi kulit, nafsunya mutmainah keluarnya dari hidung.
Nafsu-nafsu itu wataknya ada yang positif ada pula yang negaftif, kendalinya bagaimana ketika ketika kita hidup. Ketika kita mati, nafsu-nafsu itu kembali lagi ke alam arwah mengikuti kehidupan ruh yang harus kembali kepada Allah. Tak hafal jalan balik mereka mempengaruhi manusia yang masih hidup, mereka masih ingin kembali ke alam dunia.
Bila hinggap ke manusia, seperti sering diberitakan, ada anak sekolah sekelas kesurupan (berjamaah); malah ada yang ikut jadi syaiton atau ruh jahat.
Ruh yang semasa hidupnya jadi preman atau jagoan, masuk ke dalam Keris, Batara Karang, masuk ke Cincin, pada hakikatnya mereka tak bisa kembali ke Allah karena tak hafal jalan pulang.
Jadi kesimpulan diagnose dari pak dokter yang suffi tadi, beliau tidak menganjurkan untuk diberikan obat penenang tetapi lebih menganjurkan kepada keluarga agar menciptakan suasana islami di sekeliling si pasien dengan lebih intensif menjalankan ibadah-ibadah, terutama shalat yang 5 waktu secara berjamaah dengan si pasien, meng-kaji Al-Qur’an dan menuntun kalimah thayibah dan dua kalimah syahadat di telinga si pasien secara teratur dan terus menerus, bantu dia menemukan jalan pulang ...
Hanya Allah yang Maha Tahu ...
Sumber: Ajengan Abdulkuddus.